Medical Records: A Crucial Piece of Evidence in Personal Injury Cases

Following an accident, medical records provide objective and highly accurate accounts of sustained injuries. These records include the diagnosis, medical examination details, treatment schedule, and summary of the recovery process. Consequently, collecting evidence for your personal injury claim from your personal injury lawyer is crucial to winning your case.

In most legal claim matters involving personal injury cases, you need significant evidence to receive compensation. In normal circumstances, you find that chronic pain, fibromyalgia, CRPS, and FND can be difficult to show due to their invisibility. As a result, medical records play a significant role in building a strong case because they establish the extent of injuries to determine liability.

But first!

Why are Medical Records Important?

Documentation of injuries accurately

In most cases, medical records provide your clinical history before and after a personal injury accident. However, preexisting conditions pose a significant battle to prove acase. This is because you may need to demonstrate that the injuries sustained 100% resulted from the accident. Consulting an expert personal injury lawyer when collecting medical evidence may help mitigate this challenge.

Assessment of damages

This option indicates an accurate assessment of injuries sustained. It provides details of medical expenses incurred, loss of income, pain and suffering, and other effects of the accident. Besides, your personal injury lawyer can use it to assess your claim and how much you can get as fair compensation.

Support legal disputes

Medical records provide the basis upon which your claim is based.  In some cases, medical professionals are asked to present themselves in court to give their expert opinion.  As a result, their opinion may guide the court in making a claimant’s judgment. Therefore, medical records can be the victim’s biggest ally while proving their case in court.

Relationship between cause and effect

Normally, medical records indicate personal injuries sustained after the accident. For example, if the cause of the accident was fire, the treatment procedure should point towards fire accident symptoms. Usually, a trail of forensic medical records is created when the recording of treatment procedures from the early stages is done.

What Types of Medical Records are Required in a Personal Injury Claim?

What Types of Medical Records are Required in a Personal Injury Claim

Importantly, due to their complexity, some types of medical records may need proper interpretation from medical professionals. Their opinions are valuable and credible in the court process.

Here are some of the medical records used by lawyers to prepare an injury claim:

  • Hospitalization admission records

These are procedures, medications, test results, and treatments done while in the hospital.

  • Medical expense records

Medical bills indicate the treatment cost incurred. They give solid evidence giving details about the accident and the cost of injuries treatment.

  • Emergency care records

These can be notes from emergency personnel and treatments applied right after the accident.

  • Specialist reports

These are medical scripts from an expert medical professional that show the extent of injuries sustained and the treatment procedure applied.

  • Therapist reports

They are reports indicating progress on the victim’s rehabilitation and the challenges facing them.

  • Radiology report

Reports such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI reports indicate the internal injuries and the extent of their damage to the body.

Also read: The Best Ways to Maintain Health Online


Personal injury claims can be very complex. Consequently, medical records are important to argue a case in court. As a result, collecting evidence for your personal injury claim should be done by a competent lawyer because it can affect the outcome of your case.

The clarity of your medical records presents proof of credibility to your personal injury claim and can ensure you are served justice as well as receive deserving compensation.

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