How to Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Developing a minimum viable product (MVP) is a key step for any startup. An MVP helps validate your idea early with real customers without building a full-fledged product first. Here are tips for creating a strategic MVP to gain valuable feedback.

Define the Core Customer Problem

Start by clearly defining the major customer problem or need your startup aims to solve. What is the top pain point your target audience faces? How are current solutions lacking?

For example, a scheduling app may aim to simplify appointment booking for service businesses. A fitness app helps people stick to workout routines. Clarifying the core problem focuses product design.

Determine Your Key Assumptions

Next, identify your main assumptions about both the problem and your proposed solution. Common assumptions include who your customers are, what features they’ll find valuable, how much they’ll pay, etc.

Listing assumptions helps you identify which ones to validate with your MVP test. Focus on biggest questions that carry the most risk if you’re wrong.

Design Just the Essential Features

An MVP shouldn’t be half-baked; it should offer a quality user experience. Determine the critical features that directly address the main customer problem and provide core value.

Cut out nice-to-have features that aren’t vital for testing key assumptions. Avoid getting bogged down with extras at this stage. Keep your MVP streamlined.

For example, Spotify’s first MVP focused solely on music streaming. Other features like playlists came later. Follow the essential features rule.

Build it Quickly and Cost-Effectively

Develop your MVP using the most efficient tools and processes possible. Leverage no-code tools, templates, and affordable freelancers to build quickly.

Outsourcing MVP development is common. Focus resources on designing and testing the platform, not coding everything from scratch. Speed and savings let you test sooner.

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Make Sure It’s Testable

Your MVP isn’t very “viable” if you can’t adequately test it with users. Ensure you can easily observe their interactions, collect feedback, track key metrics, fix bugs, make updates, etc.

Instrument analytics so you can see how people use it. Include feedback forms or contact info. Build a process for rapidly iterating based on tests.

A testable MVP creates actionable data to validate your idea and improve the product. Don’t just build it and hope people come–plan a strategic testing approach.

Define Success Metrics

Decide upfront what metrics you’ll use to evaluate if your MVP successfully proves your assumptions. This depends on what you’re testing but may include signups, conversions, engagement, retention, referral rates, etc.

Set specific, measurable targets like 100 signups in a month or 50% of users active daily. Defining metrics and benchmarks focuses your testing.

Test and Improve Iteratively

Release your MVP to a small group first, like early adopters on a waitlist. Gather their feedback, measure success metrics and keep iterating. Fix bugs, add features, tweak messaging, etc. based on what you learn.

Gradually release to a wider audience as you refine the MVP. Set a timeline for testing, such as 60-90 days. Testing is crucial to guide subsequent product decisions and development.

Creating an MVP aligns your efforts, validates assumptions, and gathers real user feedback early on. Follow these steps to build and test a strategic minimum viable product that sets your startup up for success.

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