When you buy the insurance plan, you have to pay premiums for this. To make sure that the premium payments are smooth and easy, the LIC has come up with the portal LIC merchants so that the corporation can stay properly connected to its consumers; Life Insurance Corporation merchants are experienced, licensed, registered and completely trustworthy individuals who promise to make your experience with the corporation hassle-free.
This portal is completely an online platform where every task is performed online to maintain customer transparency. The merchants also have to log in to their respective portals for functions of all the acts effortlessly.
What are the functions of LIC merchants?
Along with the premium collection, the LIC merchants can offer their customers more than 50 products, i.e. combinations of the corporation with the riders. The corporation greatly supports its merchants, so it has presented various unique market and sales tools for making their jobs flawless. LIC’s marketing, promotions and sales collaterals will help these merchants elevate their businesses to completely new levels. Below are some important functions of LIC merchants.
- The receipt can be viewed.
- Totals for cashiers
- Paid invoice queries
- Deposit invoice
- Update of any pending invoice
- Pay invoice online
- Pending invoice
- Invoice generation proposal with the cashiers
- Generate invoices for the collection of premium
How can you log in to the portal of LIC merchant?
You need to follow the below steps to complete the login procedure
- Go to the official website of the corporation
- Now look for the merchant portal option under the ‘other online services’ tab, which is located in the middle of the homepage, and then click on that option.
- Now you will be taken to an external site.
- After that, select the login option.
- Now put your unique user ID and password without making any mistakes.
- Then hit on submit button, and your details will be submitted successfully to the portal.
Also read: Pearlvine international Login
What happens if you forget your password to the LIC merchant portal?
Even if you forgot the password, do not worry, as with the help of the below steps, you can easily recover your lost password.
- First, visit the official website of LIC.
- Under another online service tab, you will find the option of Merchant Portal. Click on this link.
- After this, go for the login option.
- On this portal, you will find the forgot password and then click on it.
- Now you need to enter your unique user ID and email address and then click on the ‘mail new password’ option.
- Then an email will be sent to your registered email ID, where you can find your new password.
- After that, you must enter a new password, and your job is done.
- If you are looking for the more safe option, you can create your own password with the same procedure. Ensure you include special characters, upper case, lower case, and numbers to strengthen your password. Also, do not share your password with anyone for extra security.