PICME Login: PICME is a system created by the government of Tamil Nadu. This system is made to keep track of every pregnant woman in the state.
If you are also looking for PICME registration in Tamil Nadu, visit the official website, i.e. https://picme.tn.gov.in.
This portal is designed for pregnant women, and it may be done until the time the pregnancy is discovered and until the birth certificate is issued.
People who go for the registration of PICME are provided with an RCH ID consisting of 12 digits. This number is issued at the time of TN ICME registration and is used by the public health department to monitor various pregnancy cases. In this article, let’s check out some basic details of PICME.
PICME registration
The software PICME, the state government develops, tracks all information regarding pregnant women.
Every eligible female who belongs to Tamil Nadu can register at this portal right from the beginning of their pregnancy until they are issued with a birth certificate.
The fastest and easiest way to register for the portal of PICME is to drop by various authorities like local hospitals, primary healthcare centres, and government–run healthcare facilities.
Above mentioned centres in the state are available at every time. After you arrive here, you can contact the local nurses to get the 12-digit registration code. Additionally, you can also get details by visiting the CSC locally.
The nurse will also help by uploading the documents to the official portal. This process of getting the birth certificate of the child who is registered with PICME is a necessary procedure. To get it, you need to produce RCH ID after the child is born.
Benefits of PICME registration
- Once the pregnant women are registered at this portal, it will start tracking their complete information.
- The government of Tamil Nadudirectly connects them to the local hospitals and clinics.
- Local nurses are advised to monitor this project and can examine the health of both the child and mother.
- Once you are successfully registered to the portal of PCIME, you will get an RCH ID as a Tamil Nadu birth certificate will require an RCH ID.
- PCIME will also help pregnant women financially and will also help to improve their overall medical condition.
- It will also record IMR and MMR.
- If you expect a second time, you must repeat the entire process.
Also read: TNPDS Login
Eligibility criteria for PICME
- It would be best if you were a resident of Tamil Nadu state.
- You should be pregnant.
Documents needed for the registration process.
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Aadhar card
- Ration card
- Marriage certificate
- Driving license
- Bank passbook
- Job card of mGNregs
- Health insurance
Login steps for PICME
You need to follow below login steps to access the account of PCIME.
- Visit the official website of PICME.
- Now click on the login option and enter your login credentials, i.e. your username and password.
- Next, fill in the CAPTCHA code and hit submit.
- If your login credentials are valid, then you can successfully log in to the website of PCIME.